Board of Nursing Facility Administrators Disciplinary Actions

Disciplinary actions are critical measures taken by the Board of Nursing Facility Administrators to uphold the integrity and standards within the nursing home administration profession. These actions are essential to safeguard the well-being and rights of elderly residents living in nursing facilities. The cases outlined above shed light on the board's commitment to ensuring that licensed administrators adhere to ethical practices and demonstrate the highest level of professionalism in their roles.

Disciplinary Actions

  • Joe Ward,
    Sioux Falls, SD
    Suspension of License
    Effective October 31, 2012. License reinstated May 24, 2013.
    Nature of Complaint: Falsifying records and unprofessional conduct 
  • Robert J. Beauvais
    Yankton FPC
    Permanent License Revocation
    Effective May 17, 2007
    Nature of complaint:  Fraud & Conspiracy 
  • Evelyn Carlson
    Aberdeen, SD
    Voluntary Surrender - Permanent action
    Effective November 1, 2006
    Nature of complaint: Acts of unprofessional conduct 
  • Kenneth E. Opp
    Winner, SD
    Permanent license revocation
    Effective March 7, 2005
    Nature of complaint: conviction of theft, fraudulent practice, and income tax evasions, all occurring in Polk County, Iowa 
  • Joan Bachman
    Fargo, ND
    Public Reprimand
    Effective May 27, 2005
    Nature of complaint: Two DUI arrests

The Board of Nursing Facility Administrators takes these disciplinary actions to maintain high standards of professionalism and ensure the safety and well-being of residents in nursing facilities.