Contact Board of Certified Professional Midwives

Board Members

Board members are appointed by the Governor for three-year terms. The five members of the board include two certified professional midwives who are licensed and in good standing, one certified nurse midwife who is licensed and in good standing, one physician with experience in maternity care who is licensed and in good standing, and one public member who has received midwifery care in an out-of-hospital setting. No member may serve more than three consecutive full terms.

Current Board Members

Debbie Pease, Public Member, Centerville, SD - President

Susan Rooks, CNM, Oral, SD - Vice President

Autumn Cavender-Wilson, CPM, Granite Falls, MN - Secretary

Eudine Stevens, CPM, Conde, SD

Dr. Amy Lueking, Physician, Pierre, SD

Contact Us

Tammy Weis, Executive Secretary
27705 460th Ave.
Chancellor, SD 57015