
VHF viruses include, but are not limited to,

  • Ebola
  • Marburg
  • Lassa fever
  • Hantavirus
  • Rift valley fever
  • Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever
  • Yellow fever
  • Dengue fever

Electron micrograph of the Ebola virus:


Suspected Case

What do you do if you suspect a VHF virus?

Healthcare providers who suspect they have a patient with VHF should notify public health authorities immediately!


South Dakota Public Health Laboratory

615 E. 4th Street

Pierre, SD 57501

Daytime phone: 605-773-3368 After hours: 1-800-592-1861

The South Dakota Public Health Laboratory will make arrangements with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the provider to ship specimens directly to CDC. Epidemiology will advise you about the appropriate specimens to collect and the proper method and arrangements for shipping specimens to CDC.


Lab Work

Biosafety Level 4 criteria are used when working with this virus.

Always use appropriate personal protective equipment including masks, laboratory coats, gloves, and eye or face shields when collecting and handling specimens.