Anthrax-Causing Bacillus Anthracis
Find bacillus anthracis key characteristics, safety practices, gram stain, special stain and specimen source.
Francisella Tularensis
Find francisella tularensis key characteristics, safety practices, gram stain, special stain and specimen source.
Plague-Causing Yersinia Pestis
Find yersinia pestis key characteristics, safety practices, gram stain, special stain and specimen source.
Brucellosis-Causing Brucella Species
Find brucella species key characteristics, safety practices, gram stain, special stain and specimen source.
Smallpox Virus (Variola Virus)
Find smallpox safety practices, reporting, reference guide and specimen source.
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers
Find VHF safety practices, reporting and included viruses.
Botulism-Causing Botulinum Toxin
Find botulinum toxin safety practices, reporting and specimen source.
This atlas of organisms serves as a job aid for those working at the bench in the microbiology laboratory. It is intended to allow you to quickly locate information as it is needed.
We recognize that the organisms covered are not encountered on a regular basis in your laboratory, and because of that, many of the specific pieces of information will not have been committed to memory. Refresh yourself on the information about each of these species here.
Find valuable information such as:
Gram stains
Additional Stains
Specimen sources
ID flow charts
Shipping instruction
Key characteristics
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Colony characteristics
When to report
Safety practices