Mortality reports analyze the leading causes of death in South Dakota, based on death certificates submitted by local physicians and coroners.
Mortality data plays a crucial role in understanding population health, identifying health disparities, and informing public health initiatives. The information collected provides valuable insights into the leading causes of death, age-specific mortality rates, and other vital statistics that shape the health landscape.
Find a comprehensive collection of mortality reports, data sets, and resources. These reports cover various aspects of mortality, including leading causes of death, age groups affected, geographic distribution and trends over time.
Mortality Data
South Dakota Mortality Report, 2024 (Provisional)
South Dakota resident deaths and leading causes of death by month.
Causes of Death, 2013-2022
This report lists selected causes of death for South Dakota residents from 2013 to 2022 by year of death and excludes infant deaths.
South Dakota Mortality Data, 2004-2020
10 leading causes of death by year, 2004-2020, and age group, 2016-2020
South Dakota American Indian Mortality Data, 2004-2020
10 leading causes of death by year, 2004-2020, and age group, 2011-2020
Induced Abortions Report, 2022
In 2022, 137 abortions were performed in South Dakota, down from 192 abortions in the previous year. The total number of induced abortions performed in South Dakota on South Dakota residents was 123.
Vital Statistics Report, 2023
This report contains leading health indicators for vital statistics. The report is divided into eight main sections: Overview, Natality, Infant Mortality, Fetal Mortality, Mortality, Marriage and Divorce, and Infectious Disease. Each section contains written analysis plus tables and figures. There is also a technical notes section that provides additional information regarding the sources of data, data limitations, geographic allocation, populations, rates, and definitions.