Undo the Risks
Chronic health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke can be avoided or even undone, but only if you take control.
Learn about statewide efforts to improve the quality of life for those affected by diabetes.
Heart Disease & Stroke
The SD Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention Program aims to improve cardiovascular health and more.
Access resources for cancer such as screening, registries, control programs, and more.
Chronic diseases are long-lasting conditions that limit daily living capabilities, require ongoing medical attention, or both.
On their own or together, tobacco use, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, and excessive drinking are the main behaviors that can put you at a higher risk of developing one or more chronic diseases.
If you have a chronic disease, you are not alone. According to the CDC, six in ten adults in the United States have a chronic disease and four in ten have two or more.
The South Dakota Chronic Disease State Plan addresses the burden of chronic disease and provides a comprehensive roadmap of proven effective strategies for making change.
That’s where the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion comes in, aiming to improve the quality of life, health, and well-being of South Dakotans.
Learn More About Chronic Disease Prevention
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion — Chronic Diseases
The chronic disease division of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion supports the state/communities in several different ways, always utilizing data to drive decision-making.
The chronic disease division assists in implementing best practices in South Dakota from national partners. The division holds a strong emphasis on partner development and collaboration. It is involved in various activities, such as the implementation of K-12 tobacco model policies, the adoption of the National Diabetes Prevention Program, and cancer screening reminders.
The chronic disease division provides statewide technical assistance for a variety of evidence-based programs and develops a collection of tools and resources for use by local and state partners to facilitate work. This includes model policies, toolkits for specific populations and audiences, and resources that can be adapted and used directly in communities. Assisted programs include:
- All Women Count! (Breast and Cervical Cancer Control) – coordinates statewide activities to promote early detection of breast and cervical cancer; pays for screening tests for underinsured women who meet age and income guidelines.
- South Dakota Cancer Registry – ensures the coordination of cancer reporting in the state.
- South Dakota Comprehensive Cancer Control Program – reduces the burden of cancer in South Dakota by bringing together individuals, organizations, healthcare providers, and agencies.
- Healthy South Dakota – promotes healthy eating and increased physical activity as a means to reduce overweight/obesity and chronic disease. The website provides a single, reliable source of information on nutrition and physical activity.
- Diabetes Program – collaborates with partners to design, implement, and evaluate a broad range of public health strategies to reduce the burden of diabetes and improve the quality of life for all persons affected by diabetes in South Dakota.
- Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention – promotes healthy communities through the prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases within South Dakota.
- Tobacco Control – coordinates state efforts to prevent young people from starting to use tobacco products, help current tobacco users quit, and reduce non-smokers' exposure to secondhand smoke.
- Opioid Abuse and Misuse – coordinates state efforts to prevent and early identify prescription drug abuse and misuse and provides treatment and recovery services in partnership with the Department of Social Services.
For more information or technical assistance regarding any of the above programs, call 1-800-738-2301.
Find Direct Support for Individuals:
Find Support for Women with Cancer Find Support for Tobacco Users Find Vaccines for Children
Public education through mass media campaigns is a huge part of the office’s focus. The intent is to provide credible information to promote healthy behaviors and reduce the burden of preventable disease for all South Dakotans.
These programs include a suite of campaigns focusing on tobacco control and prevention, an Avoid Opioid SD, and other smaller-scoped topics.
Find a wide range of funding opportunities for state and local coalitions and health care partners that wish to help further the mission and vision of the chronic disease division of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Most, but not all, grants may be found through Good & Healthy South Dakota.
The office works closely with funded organizations to provide technical assistance and support in their activities.
The office also manages several data systems, including the South Dakota Immunization Information System (SDIIS), the South Dakota Cancer Registry, and the South Dakota Violent Death Reporting System.
To learn more about chronic diseases, visit the CDC National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
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