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Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Report, 2022

This is the South Dakota Department of Health (SD-DOH)’s first annual report on childhood blood lead surveillance produced by the SD Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP). The report presents data for children and adults in South Dakota who were tested and reported to SD-DOH during 2022. Trend data for 2016-2021, which coincides with blood lead being reportable to SD-DOH but prior to the CLPPP, was also included.

Health Behaviors of South Dakotans, 2022

The Health Behaviors of South Dakotans 2022 serves as a way to measure the health risks of South Dakotans. The information used to develop the report came from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). The survey consists of questions aimed at tracking and trending the prevalence of health behaviors and conditions over time.

Induced Abortions Report, 2023

There were no abortions performed in South Dakota in 2023, compared to 192 abortions in the previous year.

YRBS Report, 2013-2023

The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) monitors six priority health behaviors including behaviors that contribute to unintentional injuries and violence; sexual behaviors that contribute to unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV; alcohol and drug use; tobacco use; dietary behaviors; and physical activity.

Sexual Violence Report, 2022

In 2022, South Dakota’s rape rate was 55.8 per 100,000, considerably higher than the national annual rape rate of 40 per 100,000.

Youth Tobacco Survey Report, 2023

National data from 2023 shows a promising downward trend in the use of e-cigarettes overall among youth. However, this data also showed that most of the decline was among high school-age students, with middle school youth showing an increase in use.

Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Year Two Evaluation Report

The South Dakota Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (SD CLPPP) provides lead exposure prevention education and support to the families of children exposed to lead and also maintains surveillance data of blood lead results on children younger than six. Using this data, SD CLPPP can develop and evaluate current efforts to prevent lead poisoning across the state. Data findings will be used to inform medical and health professionals on testing, reporting, and case management. Data collected can help to update outreach activities and educational materials for parents, educators, and health professionals.

Tuberculosis Control Program Annual Report, 2023

During the last ten years, South Dakota averaged 13 cases of tuberculosis (TB) per year. During 2023, there were 14 cases of TB reported to the South Dakota Department of Health.

Violent Death Reporting System Data Report, 2021

The South Dakota Violent Death Reporting System (SD-VDRS) is a CDC-funded anonymous surveillance system that collects information on suicides, homicides, deaths of undetermined intent, unintentional firearm deaths, and legal intervention deaths in the state.

American Indian Health Data Book

The American Indian Health Data Book contains data on selected health concerns in South Dakota, such as social vulnerability, early syphilis, congenital syphilis, cervical cancer, lung cancer, smoking, infant mortality, pregnancy-associated deaths, suicide, alcohol-related deaths, overdose deaths, and age of death.

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