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Vital Statistics Report, 2023

This report contains leading health indicators for vital statistics. The report is divided into eight main sections: Overview, Natality, Infant Mortality, Fetal Mortality, Mortality, Marriage and Divorce, and Infectious Disease. Each section contains written analysis plus tables and figures. There is also a technical notes section that provides additional information regarding the sources of data, data limitations, geographic allocation, populations, rates, and definitions.

PRAMS Summary Report, 2018-2022

The 2022 PRAMS survey gave South Dakota women an opportunity to share their experiences as part of an effort to improve the health of mothers, babies, and families in South Dakota. The data presented support the efforts to reduce infant mortality and improve maternal health.

Strategic Analysis of South Dakota’s Rural Healthcare Programs, 2024

The Office of Rural Health conducted a Strategic Analysis of Rural Healthcare Programs using a comprehensive five-step process to evaluate South Dakota’s rural healthcare access needs, assess current state programs, and determine their adequacy in addressing those needs. The five steps included an Environmental Scan, Data Analysis, Stakeholder Engagement, Leading Practice Identification, and Recommendation Development. This analysis identified four core issues impacting healthcare access in rural South Dakota and provided actionable recommendations, sub-recommendations, and steps to address these challenges.

Annual Report on the Need for Additional Nursing Facility Beds or Nursing Facilities, 2024

In accordance with state law, the Department of Health, with assistance from the Department of Human Services annually considers the need for additional beds or nursing facilities in the State. If a need for additional beds or nursing facilities is identified, the Department of Health is required to solicit and evaluate proposals to address the identified need. Any facility that receives redistributed beds, or any authorized new facility, is required by law to maintain minimum Medicaid occupancy rates.

South Dakota Mortality Report, 2024 (Provisional)

South Dakota resident deaths and leading causes of death by month.

Annual Report, 2024

This year, our team made significant strides in strengthening community partnerships, expanding healthcare access, and enhancing the well-being of all South Dakotans. Our mission remains grounded in the belief that every resident deserves accessible, compassionate, and high-quality healthcare, regardless of where they live.

December 20, 2024 | Annual Report

Healthy Relationships Cross-Program Evaluation Report, July 2023-June 2024

The following evaluation report is intended to inform SD DOH Healthy Relationships leadership on the activities and outcomes of Healthy Relationships programming for the contract year. The report also includes relevant state and county data to assist the decision-making processes for future Healthy Relationships programming.

PRAMS Data Report Summary, 2021

The 2021 PRAMS survey gave South Dakota women an opportunity to share their experiences as part of an effort to improve the health of mothers, babies, and families in South Dakota. The data presented supports efforts to reduce infant mortality and improve maternal health.

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