This page serves as a valuable resource for accessing data and reports related to maternal and child health, offering insights into the well-being, health outcomes, and care received by mothers and children in South Dakota.
Maternal and child health is a vital component of public health, as it encompasses the health and well-being of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the early years of their children. Understanding the trends, disparities, and factors influencing maternal and child health is essential for promoting positive outcomes and addressing health challenges.
Mortality Prevention Webinars
Navigating Risk and Protective Factors - At-Risk infants, Children, and Pregnancy Associated Deaths in South Dakota. Dr. Kari Oyen PhD, LP, NCSP, is the Program Director and Associate Professor of School Psychology at the University of South Dakota.
Maternal Child Health Reports
PRAMS Summary Report, 2018-2022
The 2022 PRAMS survey gave South Dakota women an opportunity to share their experiences as part of an effort to improve the health of mothers, babies, and families in South Dakota. The data presented support the efforts to reduce infant mortality and improve maternal health.
Healthy Relationships Cross-Program Evaluation Report, July 2023-June 2024
The following evaluation report is intended to inform SD DOH Healthy Relationships leadership on the activities and outcomes of Healthy Relationships programming for the contract year. The report also includes relevant state and county data to assist the decision-making processes for future Healthy Relationships programming.
PRAMS Data Report Summary, 2021
The 2021 PRAMS survey gave South Dakota women an opportunity to share their experiences as part of an effort to improve the health of mothers, babies, and families in South Dakota. The data presented supports efforts to reduce infant mortality and improve maternal health.
Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Report, 2022
This is the South Dakota Department of Health (SD-DOH)’s first annual report on childhood blood lead surveillance produced by the SD Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP). The report presents data for children and adults in South Dakota who were tested and reported to SD-DOH during 2022. Trend data for 2016-2021, which coincides with blood lead being reportable to SD-DOH but prior to the CLPPP, was also included.
Infant Mortality 1-Pager, 2018-2022
From 2018-2022, there were 389 infant deaths in SD. The overall infant mortality rate increased from 6.3 in 2021 to 7.8 in 2022. This is the highest rate for SD since 2017 which was also 7.8.