Oral Health Care From 3 to 5 Years

  • Baby teeth are important. Tooth decay in baby teeth can be painful and can cause health problems like infections. A clean and germ-free mouth is a healthy place for teeth to grow.
  • Brush! Help our child brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Help brush your child’s teeth 2 times a day with a small dab of fluoride toothpaste on a child toothbrush. The best times to brush are before bed and after breakfast. Teach your child to spit out the toothpaste. Do not rinse after brushing, it removes the protective fluoride.
  • Eat well. Give your child healthy snacks like cheese, vegetable sticks, and fresh fruit. Keep sweet foods like cakes, pastries and candy for special treats not everyday.
  • Rethink the drink. Give your child milk or water with meals. Avoid giving Kool-Aid, Gatorade, Sunny Delight, Capri Sun, soda, or other sweet drinks to your child – they cause cavities.
  • Lift the lip and look. Children change quickly. Every month, lift your child’s lip and check all their teeth for the first signs of cavities. If you see white or brown spots on the teeth or anything unusual, contact your child’s dentist or physician.
  • Ask your dentist or doctor if your child needs fluoride varnish. Fluoride varnish is a protective coating that is painted on teeth to help prevent new cavities and help stop cavities that have already started.
  • Take your child to the dentist. Children should see the dentist at least once a year, more often if they have had cavities.