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PRAMS Infographics, 2018
View PRAMS 2018 data in easy-to-understand infographics.
PRAMS Data Report Summary, 2018
The PRAMS survey provides information for South Dakota to assess overall pregnancy experiences and maternal health behaviors, and data may be used to develop, modify, or evaluate programs for new mothers and their children. Furthermore, the PRAMS surveys provide useful data to assess future trends in problematic areas.
Vital Statistics Report, 2019
This report contains state and county leading health indicators for vital statistics. The report is divided into eight main sections: Overview, Natality, Infant Mortality, Mortality, Marriage and Divorce, Infectious Disease, and Health Status Profiles.
Alcohol & Drug Use, YRBS 2009-2019
South Dakota high school youth alcohol and drug use data from the 2009-2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey.
Injuries & Violence, YRBS 2009-2019
South Dakota high school youth injury and violence data from the 2009-2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey.
Nutrition & Physical Activity, YRBS 2009-2019
South Dakota high school youth nutrition and physical activity data from the 2009-2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey.
Sexual Behaviors, YRBS 2009-2019
South Dakota high school youth sexual behavior data from the 2009-2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey.
Tobacco Use, YRBS 2009-2019
South Dakota high school youth tobacco use data from the 2009-2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey.
YRBS Summary Report, 2009-2019
The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) monitors six priority health behaviors including behaviors that contribute to unintentional injuries and violence; sexual behaviors that contribute to unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV; alcohol and drug use; tobacco use; dietary behaviors; and physical activity.