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Vision Impairment, 2020 BRFSS
South Dakota vision impairment data from the 2020 BRFSS report.
Vital Statistics Report, 2020
This report contains state and county leading health indicators for vital statistics. The report is divided into eight main sections: Overview, Natality, Infant Mortality, Mortality, Marriage and Divorce, Infectious Disease, and Health Status Profiles.
State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS), 2020
SUDORS is a surveillance system that provides comprehensive data on unintentional and undetermined intent drug overdose deaths that occur in a state. Information is collected from death certificates, coroner reports, and toxicology reports.
Infant Mortality & Prevention Report, 2016-2020
From 2016-2020 there was an average of 77 infant deaths in South Dakota each year for an average infant mortality rate of 6.5 infant deaths per 1,000 live births.
SUDORS Infographic, 2020
In 2020 there were 63 unintentional and undetermined overdose deaths. A potential bystander was present in 37% of deaths, indicating there may have been an opportunity to provide life-saving actions at the time of the overdose. 56% of deaths involved at least one opioid and 48% of deaths involved at least one stimulant. The largest proportion of deaths involved methamphetamine. 44% of deaths involved an opioid and no stimulants.
Infant Death Review Infographic, 2016-2020
This infographic shows infant death and safe sleep data from 2016-2020.
PRAMS Data Report, 2019
The 2019 PRAMS survey provides information for South Dakota to assess overall pregnancy experiences and maternal health behaviors, and data may be used to develop, modify, or evaluate programs for new mothers and their children. Furthermore, the PRAMS survey will provide useful data to assess future trends in problematic areas. The current report includes data from the 2017, 2018, and 2019 PRAMS surveys for trend analysis.
Violent Death Reporting System Data Report, 2019
The South Dakota Violent Death Reporting System (SD-VDRS) is a CDC-funded anonymous surveillance system that collects information on suicides, homicides, deaths of undetermined intent, unintentional firearm deaths, and legal intervention deaths in the state.