Vaccines are a cornerstone of public health, protecting individuals and communities from over 20 life-threatening diseases. The South Dakota Immunization Program is dedicated to safeguarding all South Dakotans through increased immunization coverage for children and adults.
Program Overview
The South Dakota Immunization Program offers:
- Vaccine Distribution: Providing vaccines to public and private healthcare providers statewide.
- Education & Training: Offering materials, training, and support to enhance immunization efforts.
- Public Awareness: Partnering with local and statewide coalitions to educate the public on the importance of immunizations.
- Immunization Monitoring: Tracking immunization levels and managing vaccine-preventable disease surveillance and outbreak control.
- South Dakota Immunization Information System (SDIIS): A secure platform for healthcare providers to share and access immunization records.
School Entry Immunizations
In South Dakota, certain vaccines are required for children to enter into a school.
College Immunizations
Essential vaccinations are recommended for college students, including meningitis, HPV, and influenza.
Recommended Vaccine Schedule
View up-to-date recommendations for child and adolescent immunization schedules based on age, conditions, and special situations.
Locate a Childhood Vaccine Provider
Find a nearby vaccine provider for your child. Browse by county.
Request Copy of Immunization Records
Request a copy of your child’s immunization record from Child & Family Services or Public Health Alliance.
Yellow Fever Vaccine Sites
Find out sites where you can get a yellow fever vaccine in South Dakota.
Immunization Materials
Access up-to-date vaccine provider details, educational materials, and forms.
CHW Immunization Program RFA
Communities | Immunizations | Healthcare Facilities
The South Dakota Department of Health Immunization Program, in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is seeking applications from organizations that employ Community Health Workers (CHWs) or Community Health Representatives (CHRs) to enhance vaccination rates and vaccine education.
What Happens When You Get Vaccinated
Vaccines protect you and your community by preparing your immune system to fight diseases. Staying current with your vaccinations is essential for public health and personal safety. Ensure you get your vaccines and encourage others to do the same for a healthier future.
State-Supplied Vaccines
Eligible children in South Dakota can receive vaccines through the federal Vaccines for Children Program. Key points:
- No charge for the vaccine, though an administration fee may apply (capped at $20.73 per injection).
- The administration fee can be waived if you are unable to pay.
- An office visit fee may apply.
Available Vaccines & Eligibility Chart
For more information, contact the Immunization Program at 1-800-592-1861.
Community & Coalition Efforts
South Dakota Vaccination Rates
Community Immunization Coalitions
Immunize South Dakota
A statewide coalition focused on promoting safe and effective immunization services.
- Meetings: Full coalition meets quarterly; committees meet monthly.
- Contact:
- Website:
- Social Media: Facebook | Twitter
Davison County Coalition, Mitchell
A local coalition focused on immunization education with annual goals.
- Meetings: Twice a year
- Contact: Jenna Auch at
CDC Immunization Resources
- Childhood Vaccine Quiz
- Adult Vaccine Quiz
- Downloadable Vaccine Schedules:
- 0-6 years | 7-18 years | Adults
- Vaccine Safety Information
- Growing Up with Vaccines: What Should Parents Know?