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Avoid Opioid Key Data

The South Dakota Avoid Opioid website is a resource for accessing state data related to opioid use/misuse

County Health Rankings for Diabetes in South Dakota

In South Dakota, 7% of adults were living with a diagnosis of diabetes. This ranged from 7% to 20% of adults across counties in the state. The 2023 County Health Rankings used data from 2020 for this measure.

Diabetes In South Dakota

Explore national- and state-level data for diabetes.

National and State Diabetes Trends (CDC)

The "Diabetes Report Card" provides current information on the status of diabetes and its complications in the United States. This publication includes information and data on diabetes, preventive care practices, health outcomes, and risk factors such as race, ethnicity, level of education, and prediabetes. It includes information about national trends and, where possible, state-level data.

South Dakota State Epidemiological Outcomes

The South Dakota State Epidemiological Outcomes website is a resource for accessing state and regional data related to behavioral health and substance use/misuse in South Dakota and provides a summary of substance use and behavioral health indicators in South Dakota.

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