
Scabies is a fairly common infectious disease of the skin caused by a mite. Scabies mites burrow into the skin producing pimple-like irritations or burrows.

Disease Fact Sheet

Disease Facts

Scabies infestations can affect people from all socioeconomic levels without regard to age, sex, race or standards of personal hygiene. Clusters of cases, or outbreaks, are occasionally seen in nursing homes, institutions and child care centers.

Scabies mites are transferred by direct skin-to-skin contact. Indirect transfer from undergarments or bedclothes can occur only if these have been contaminated by infected people immediately beforehand. Scabies can also be transmitted during sexual contact.

The most prominent symptom of scabies is intense itching particularly at night. The areas of the skin most affected by scabies include the webs and sides of the fingers, around the wrists, elbows and armpits, waist, thighs, genitalia, nipples, breasts and lower buttocks.

Symptoms will appear from two to six weeks in people who have not previously been exposed to scabies infestations. People who have had a previous bout with scabies mites may show symptoms within one to four days after subsequent re-exposures.

A person is able to spread scabies until mites and eggs are destroyed by treatment.

Skin lotions containing permethrin or crotamiton are available through a physician's prescription for the treatment of scabies. The lotions are applied to the whole body except the head and neck. Sometimes, itching may persist but should not be regarded as treatment failure or reinfestation. Symptomatic individuals should be treated with a second course of lotion seven to 10 days later followed by a cleansing bath eight hours after application and a change to fresh clothing.

Avoid physical contact with infested individuals and their belongings, especially clothing and bedding. Health education on the life history of scabies, proper treatment and the need for early diagnosis and treatment of infested individuals and contacts is extremely important.


This material is provided by the South Dakota Department of Health for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical care. We are not able to answer personal medical questions. Please see your health care provider concerning appropriate care, treatment, or other medical advice.

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