Pseudomonads are bacteria commonly found in the environment; they prefer a moist environment and are particularly adapted to survive and grow in water.
Disease Facts
Anyone can get Pseudomonas infections, although Pseudomonas rarely attacks healthy individuals in the community. Generally, severe illness, such as pneumonia, meningitis, or septicemia occurs only in hospitalized patients whose body defense mechanisms are damaged or deficient.
In a hospital setting Pseudomonas has become a problem when it contaminates medications or medical devices with a moist environment. In the non-hospital setting, infections have been related to growth of the organism in swimming pools, hot tubs, and contact lens solutions.
In the non-hospital setting the most common problems are ear infections and skin eruptions (rash). The rash appears as red raised blotches, and/or, pus filled pimples around a hair follicle; often accompanied by itching.
Variable, within 8 to 48 hours.
Diagnosis is confirmed by identifying the bacteria grown in a laboratory culture from a sample of a draining lesion, or from drainage from the ear.
Pseudomonads can withstand many disinfectants and are resistant to a variety of antibiotics.
Swimming pools and hot tubs should be monitored frequently to assure proper maintenance of adequate pH and disinfectant levels.
Skin rashes are usually uncomplicated and resolve without treatment. Antibiotic treatment should be considered for ear infections, with steps to ensure the antibiotic of choice will be effective.
For persons who are not ill, it is not necessary to exclude them from school or work. The rash in most cases clears in 7 to 10 days. A person who has pus filled lesions on exposed areas should take precautions to avoid direct skin to skin contact with others. Good personal hygiene and hand-washing, especially after handling dressings from draining lesions, should be encouraged.