Point of Dispensing Information & Resources

Points of Dispensing, or PODs, can be set up to distribute medicine, vaccine, and medical supplies. The stockpile is designed to protect the public if there is a public health emergency (terrorist attack, pandemic, flu outbreak, natural disaster, etc.) severe enough to cause local supplies to run out.

A POD would be activated after a disaster event such as bioterrorism, when a Medical Counter Measure (pills, vaccines, etc.) would need to be distributed to a large number of people. PODs may serve individuals on a first-come, first-served basis, or can be created to serve appointment times.

To serve South Dakota's population, the state has designated 32 PODs in 28 communities geographically dispersed to provide reasonable access to a POD. Additional locations may be utilized depending on need. Specific location information would be shared in communications about the event.

Access PODs Toolkit

There are four steps needed to navigate through a POD:

  1. Fill out a form - You will list each person in your family/group.

  2. POD staff will review the form - Upon completion they will direct you to the next appropriate station.

  3. Turn in your form - You will receive appropriate medicine or vaccine.

  4. Exit the POD - If given medication, begin taking after leaving the POD.

NOTE: Medical monitoring may occur at the end of a POD, if an injection was administered, resulting in a 15-minute (or longer) monitoring period.

  • If you have a drivers license or other identification, please bring it with you. Identification may help speed the demographic collection process.

  • Adults may pick up medication for other members of their family. If a vaccine is being given, all family members will need to come to the POD.

  • For children, please bring weight, age, health information, drug allergies and a list of current medications.

  • For adults, please bring health information, drug allergies and a list of current medications.

  • PODs may be crowded and you may have to stand in line, or wait in a vehicle, for a while. Please wear comfortable shoes and bring water, snacks, or other comfort items you might need.

  • If you have difficulty standing in line or have additional special needs, people will be there to assist you. For help, please contact a staff member at the event.

Mobile Distribution

Organizations may also sign up for mobile distribution, giving an organization the option to send one or few people to the POD, retrieving supplies, and then distributing those supplies at their organization site.

Contact the South Dakota Department of Health Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response